Make Phil Great Again
In the art world, you’re nobody until somebody who’s somebody says you’re somebody.
I can push myself as an artist. Take greater risks. Make better work. But how do I secure the endorsement that sends my career into the stratosphere?
The answer? donald trump
Here is a man who repeatedly fails upwards on a grandiose scale. He builds not with innovation, invention, or hard work, but with guile, hyperbole, and deceit. He succeeds with lies.
Why strive for achievement when you can fake it?
Why hope for endorsements from those you admire, when you can invent them?
Why work through the system, if you can trump the system?
I made a list of art world giants. Celebrated photographers, painters, gallerists.
Then I found people with the same names, and interviewed them.
I had one request. I asked them to talk about how great they thought i was.